Man pages for CecileProust-Lima/lcmm
Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes

cumincPredicted cumulative incidence of event according to a...
data_hlmeSimulated dataset for hlme function
data_lcmmSimulated dataset for lcmm and Jointlcmm functions
DiffepoceDifference of expected prognostic cross-entropy (EPOCE)...
dynpredIndividual dynamic predictions from a joint latent class...
epoceEstimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy...
estimatesMaximum likelihood estimates
externVarEstimation of secondary regression models after the...
fitYMarginal predictions of the longitudinal outcome(s) in their...
ForInternalUseFor internal use only ...
gridsearchAutomatic grid search
hlmeEstimation of latent class linear mixed models
ItemInfoConditional probabilities and item information given...
JointlcmmEstimation of joint latent class models for longitudinal and...
lcmmEstimation of mixed-effect models and latent class...
loglikWrapper to the Fortran subroutines computing the...
mpjlcmmEstimation of multivariate joint latent class mixed models
multlcmmEstimation of multivariate mixed-effect models and...
paquidLongitudinal data on cognitive and physical aging in the...
permutPermutation of the latent classes
plotPlot of a fitted model
plot.cumincPlot of predicted cumulative incidences according to a...
plot.dynpredPlot of individual dynamic predictions
plot.ItemInfoPlot of information functions
plot.predictPlot of predicted trajectories and link functions
postprobPosterior classification stemmed from a 'hlme', 'lcmm',...
predictClassPosterior classification and class-membership probabilities
predictLClass-specific marginal predictions in the latent process...
predictlinkConfidence intervals for the estimated link functions from...
predictREPredictions of the random-effects
predictYPredictions (marginal and possibly subject-specific in some...
predictYbackMarginal predictions in the natural scale of a pre-trandormed...
predictYcondConditional predictions of a 'lcmm', 'multlcmm' or...
print.lcmmBrief summary of a 'hlme', 'lcmm', 'Jointlcmm','multlcmm',...
simdataHADSSimulated dataset simdataHADS
simulate.lcmmData simulation according to models from lcmm package
StandardMethodsStandard methods for estimated models
summary.lcmmSummary of a 'hlme', 'lcmm', 'Jointlcmm', 'multlcmm',...
summaryplotSummary of models
summarytableSummary of models
update.mpjlcmmUpdate the longitudinal submodels
VarCovVariance-covariance of the estimates
VarCovREEstimates, standard errors and Wald test for the parameters...
VarExplPercentage of variance explained by the (latent class) linear...
WaldMultMultivariate Wald Test
xclassCross classifications
CecileProust-Lima/lcmm documentation built on March 3, 2024, 5:23 p.m.