Man pages for CenterForAssessment/Literasee
Assessment Literacy Content Development via R

createReportScriptsCreate a new NCIEA report directory
diffFileRender the differences between two files as an HTML document...
dualTableOutput HTML and LaTeX Tables
endAppendixEnds an appendix by resetting table counter and figure...
eqnNumGets the equation number
figNumGets the figure number
figNumIncrementIncrease the figure number counter
getCounterReturns the counter associated with a table, figure, or...
getGithubFileConvenience wrapper to get (download) one or more files from...
getPathUtility function that returns a file path relative to...
gofPrintFunction to produce Goodness of Fit plots from a SGP object.
Literasee-packageLiterasee: Assessment Literacy Content Development via R
multi_documentFormatter wrapper for 'rmarkdown::html_document' to...
new_nciea_reportCreate a new report using the NCIEA RMarkdown template
numbers2wordsReturns the counter associated with a table, figure, or...
pageBreakPlaces HTML and LaTeX page breaks appropriately within the...
placeFigurePlaces figure and caption appropriately within the supplied...
renderMultiDocumentRender R Markdown in Multiple Output Formats
reportSGPFunction for automatic technical report generation from SGP...
setCountersSets the table, figure and equation counter numbers.
setupReportDirectoryCreate a new NCIEA report directory
startAppendixStarts a new appendix
tblCapReturns formated caption with table number
tblNumGets the table number
tblNumIncrementIncrease the table number counter
updateAssetsUpdate the Literasee NCIEA report assets in and existing...
CenterForAssessment/Literasee documentation built on July 2, 2023, 6:21 p.m.