Man pages for CenterForAssessment/cfaTools
Center for Assessment Tools for Large Scale Educational Assessment Analysis

academicImpactSummaryAcademic Impact Summary Data from individual level SGP Data
amputeScaleScoreA function for removing cases from a SGP style dataset
bootstrapSRSBootstrap sampling function for use with pre-designated...
bootstrapSRS_SGPHigher level function for using bootstrap_SRS with SGP...
cfaGapsDiagnostic achievement gap information
cfaTools-packagecfaTools: Tools for Large Scale Educational Assessment...
computeHoMetric2Compute Ho Metric 2 "Fair Trend"
gammaEffectSizeCalculate Gamma effect size proposed by Akinshin.
gammaEffectSizeLONGCalculate Gamma effect sizes from a longitudinal data set.
getShiftValuesFunction for creating lagged/leading value variables from...
hd_qeHarrell-Davis quantile estimator with trimming proposed by...
imputationSummaryA function for pooling imputed scale scores, SGPs and...
imputeScaleScoreMultiple imputation of missing scale scores for SGP style...
messageLogA function for creating customized log reports and saving...
CenterForAssessment/cfaTools documentation built on June 2, 2022, 9:23 a.m.