Man pages for CenterForAssessment/packagePages
Customized Clone of pkgdown for Creating Static HTML Documentation for an R Package

as_pkgdownGenerate pkgdown data structure
build_articlesBuild articles
build_homeBuild home page
build_newsBuild news section
build_presentationsEach Rmarkdown Xaringan presentation in 'Presentations/' is...
build_referenceBuild reference section
build_siteBuild pkgdown website
clean_siteClean site
in_pkgdownDetermine if code is executed by pkgdown
packagePagesBuild packagePages package website
projectPagesBuild packagePages project website
rel_pathCompute relative path
render_pageRender page with template
templatesGenerate YAML templates
test-listsTest cases: lists
tufte_handoutTufte handout formats (PDF and HTML)
tufte_pdfTufte PDF function
CenterForAssessment/packagePages documentation built on May 31, 2022, 1:56 p.m.