
Defines functions .osf_list_files osf_ls_files.osf_tbl_file osf_ls_files.osf_tbl_node osf_ls_files

Documented in osf_ls_files

#' List files and directories on OSF
#' List the files and directories in the top-level of an OSF project, component,
#' or directory. Specify a `path` to list the contents of a particular
#' subdirectory.
#' @param x One of the following:
#'   * An [`osf_tbl_node`] with a single project or component.
#'   * An [`osf_tbl_file`] with a single directory.
#' @param path List files within the specified subdirectory path.
#' @template filter-type
#' @template filter-pattern
#' @template n_max
#' @template verbose
#' @return An [`osf_tbl_file`] with one row for each file or directory, ordered
#'   by modification time.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Retrieve the Psychology Reproducibility Project from OSF
#' psych_rp <- osf_retrieve_node("ezum7")
#' # List all files and directories
#' osf_ls_files(psych_rp)
#' # ...only the directories
#' osf_ls_files(psych_rp, type = "folder")
#' # ...only PDF files
#' osf_ls_files(psych_rp, type = "file", pattern = "pdf")
#' # List the contents of the first directory
#' osf_ls_files(psych_rp, path = "RPP_SI_Figures")
#' }
#' @seealso [`osf_ls_nodes()`] to generate a list of projects and components.
#' @export
osf_ls_files <-
           path = NULL,
           type = "any",
           pattern = NULL,
           n_max = 10,
           verbose = FALSE) {

#' @export
osf_ls_files.osf_tbl_node <-
           path = NULL,
           type = "any",
           pattern = NULL,
           n_max = 10,
           verbose = FALSE) {

  x <- make_single(x)

  if (!is.null(path) && path != ".") {
    leaf_dir <- recurse_path(x, path, missing_action = "error", verbose)
    return(osf_ls_files(leaf_dir, path = ".", type, pattern, n_max, verbose))

 .osf_list_files(x, type, pattern, n_max, verbose)

#' @export
osf_ls_files.osf_tbl_file <-
           path = NULL,
           type = "any",
           pattern = NULL,
           n_max = 10,
           verbose = FALSE) {

  x <- make_single(x)
  if (is_osf_file(x)) {
    abort("Listing an `osf_tbl_file` requires a directory\n* `x` contains a file")

  # walk down path tree and replace x with the leaf directory
  if (!is.null(path) && path != ".") {
    x <- recurse_path(x, path, missing_action = "error", verbose = verbose)

 .osf_list_files(x, type, pattern, n_max, verbose)

#' Internal list files method
#' This requires an API path to more easily support different storage providers
#' in the future when listing from a node.
#' @return An `osf_tbl_file`.
#' @noRd
.osf_list_files <- function(x, type, pattern, n_max, verbose) {

  # manually construct the API path because the 'files' endpoint for nodes lists
  # the enabled storage providers
  api_path <- switch(class(x)[1],
    osf_tbl_node = sprintf("nodes/%s/files/osfstorage/", as_id(x)),
    osf_tbl_file = crul::url_parse(get_relation(x, "files"))$path

  res <- .osf_paginated_request(
    method = "get",
    path = api_path,
    query = filter_files(pattern, type),
    n_max = n_max,
    verbose = verbose

  as_osf_tbl(res, subclass = "osf_tbl_file")
CenterForOpenScience/osfr documentation built on July 8, 2024, 6:59 a.m.