Man pages for CentreForHydrology/Reanalysis
Reads reanalysis data for CRHM

CanRCM4AdjustedCreateHourlyObsExtracts all CRHM obs variables for a specified location and...
CanRCM4adjustedGetNearestTimeseriesReads a time series for the nearest point from adjusted...
CanRCM4unadjustedGetNearestTimeseriesReads a time series for the nearest point from undadjusted...
ERA5deaccumDeaccumulates ERA5 cumulative precipitation time series
ERAdailyArealPrecipCalculates daily ERA areal precipitation
ERAdeaccumDeaccumulates ERA cumulative time series
ERAgetArealPrecipGet ERA areal precipitation
ERAgetMultipleLocationTimeseriesExtracts timeseries of ERA data nearest to multiple specified...
ERAgetNearestTimeseriesFinds timeseries of ERA data nearest to specified location
ERAhourlyAirtempEstimates hourly air temperatures from ERA-Interim 3 -hourly...
ERAhourlyLongwaveEstimates hourly incoming longwave radiation from ERA-Interim...
ERAhourlyPrecipEtimates hourly precipitation from ERA cumulatve 3 hourly...
ERAhourlyShortwaveEstimates hourly incoming shortwave radiation from...
ERAhourlyVPCalculates the hourly vapour pressure from the 3-hour...
ERAhourlyWindspeedEstimates hourly wind speeds from ERA-Interim 3-hourly or...
landLand locations
NARRdownloadNetCDFDownloads NARR NetCDF files
NARRgetNearestTimeseriesFinds timeseries of NARR data nearest to specified location
qa2eaConverts specific humidity to vapour pressure.
Reanalysis-packageContains functions to download and process reanalysis data
WATCHcreateHourlyWFDEIobsCreates a CRHM .obs file of hourly values from WATCH...
WATCHcreateHourlyWFDobsCreates a CRHM .obs file of hourly values from WATCH...
WATCHcreateWFDEIobsCreates a CRHM .obs file of 3-hourly values from WATCH...
WATCHcreateWFDobsCreates a CRHM .obs file of 3-hourly and 6-hourly values from...
WATCHdailyArealPrecipCalculates daily WATCH areal precipitation
WATCHgetWFDarealPrecipExtracts the WATCH WFD precipitation for a specified domain
WATCHgroupWFDEIobsCreate obs files from WATCH WFDEI data for groups of sites
WATCHgroupWFDobsCreate obs files from WATCH WFD data for groups of sites
WATCHhourlyObsInterpolates 3 and 6 hour WATCH variables to hourly values
WFDEI-GEM-WFDEI_GEM_CaPA_getNearestTimeseriesFinds timeseries of WFDEI-GEM-CaPA data nearest to specified...
WRF2ObsConverts a WRF netcdf file to obs
WRFbyloc2obsExtracts CRHM obs variables from a WRF NetCDF at a single...
WRFnearest2obsExtracts CRHM obs variables from a WRF NetCDF closest to...
CentreForHydrology/Reanalysis documentation built on Nov. 23, 2022, 2:57 a.m.