msgr 1.2.9

Expanded GitHub Actions to test more combinations:

msgr 1.2.8

Final checks before requesting release to CRAN - spell_check() - check_rhub() - check_win_devel()

msgr 1.2.7

Using {fs} for all file management

msgr 1.2.6

msgr 1.2.5

Simplified argument checks and package dependencies

msgr 1.2.4

Added the following assertions on type:

Added the following assertions on structure:

Added the following assertions on values:

Added the following assertions on files:

Fixed the range assertion on msg_level.

msgr 1.2.3

Replaced functions that conflict with purrr: - Replaced is_integerish() and is_scalar_integerish() with is_natural() - Replaced is_numeric() and is_scalar_numeric() with is_number()

Added some new predicates: - is_type() - is_class() - is_array() - is_matrix()

Also tidied up documentation

msgr 1.2.2

Added the following function to check type - is_integerish() - is_scalar_integerish() - is_numeric() - is_scalar_numeric() - is_factor() - is_data_frame()

Added or updated the following; - has_length() - is_in() (updated to be vectorised) - is_in_range() - has_char_length()

msgr 1.2.1

msgr 1.2.0

msgr 1.1.3

msgr 1.1.2

msgr 1.1.1

msgr 1.1.0

msgr 1.0.3

msgr 1.0.2

msgr 1.0.1

msgr 1.0.0

msgr 0.11

msgr 0.10

msgr 0.9

msgr 0.8

msgr 0.7

msgr 0.6

msgr 0.5

msgr 0.4

msgr 0.3

msgr 0.2

msgr 0.1

ChadGoymer/msgr documentation built on April 10, 2021, 10:31 a.m.