Enrichment of the H3K27ac histone mark in active and bivalent transcription start sites (TSS)


There are 2 kinds of experimental designs that can be used for a metagene analysis. This document will introduce the first kind, which is the comparison of two groups of regions from the same ChIP-Seq sample. It also illustrates how metagene can statistically test differences between groups of profiles within an experiment.

The H3K27ac histone mark is normally enriched at active compared to poised transcriptional start sites (TSS) (Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium et al.,2015). metagene was used to robustly test for the difference in enrichment of H3K27ac between these two groups of promoter regions in A549 cells. More information about those data can be found here :

1. Load metagene package

In R, we must first load the packrat package, which enable data usage, and metagene package:


2. Load TSS of interests

We will use the TSS as defined by the Roadmap Consortium (Romanoski et al., 2015). For more details on how the data have been downloaded, please see the R/get_regions.R file.

Two groups of regions, active and bivalent TSS, will be used.

#data(TssA)   # Active TSS
#data(TssBiv) # Bivalent TSS
load("../data/TssA.RData")   # Active TSS
load("../data/TssBiv.RData") # Bivalent TSS

# We will make sure that all the regions have the same size to avoid having to
# scale them during the metagene analysis
TssA <- GenomicRanges::resize(TssA, 500, fix = "center")
TssBiv <- GenomicRanges::resize(TssBiv, 500, fix = "center")
regions <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(TssA, TssBiv)
names(regions) <- c("TssA", "TssBiv")

# For memory and speed consideration, we will only use a subset of the regions
regions <- lapply(regions, function(x) x[sample(seq_along(x), 1000)])
regions <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(regions)

3. Loading ChIP-Seq datasets

For the ChIP-Seq of the H3K27ac histone mark, we will use the ENCFF000AKF, ENCFF000AKI, ENCFF000AHC and ENCFF000AHD files from ENCODE (ENCODE Project Consortium, 2012).

The ENCFF000AKF.bam and ENCFF000AKI.bam files are two replicates from the same experiment and ENCFF000AHC.bam and ENCFF000AHD.bam are the recommended control files.

bam_files <- c("../inst/extdata/ENCFF000AKF.bam",

The bam_files object should have 4 elements.

4. Experimental design

Multiple samples should be included in the same profile. Replicates need to be combined while controls have to be used as background. The design has to be constructed so that metagene will process correctly each file.

design <- data.frame(samples = bam_files, H3K27ac = c(1,1,2,2))

The design uses the value 1 for a dataset and 2 for a control.

5. metagene analysis

The first step is to create a metagene object using metagene$new() function. The goal of this first metagene step is to extract the coverage from all BAM files present in the bam_files object and to normalize the signal. Since this step can be computationally intensive, we do not want to do it every time we want to experiment with a new design. Thus, it is a good idea to extract the coverage from every BAM files in a single step, save the results in RData format and then explore different designs. The design object will be used in next steps.

mg <- metagene$new(regions = regions, bam_files = bam_files, cores = 2)
# We could save this object to avoid re-doing this computationally intensive
# step:
#save(mg, file = "mg.RData")

6. metagene graph TssA vs TssBis

The plot() function allows us to create a metagene graph. By default, the graph will contain a profile for each combination of group of regions and BAM file. In this example, we have 2 groups of regions (TssA and TssBiv) and 4 BAM files (2 samples and 2 controls).

Since we only want to produce a single profile for the TssA and TssBiv groups of regions, we have to use the design produced previously. Other than the samples column that contains the names of the BAM files, there is only one column in the design object. This means that there will only be 1 profile plotted for each group of regions (2 profiles in this example).

The metagene object can be saved and reused.

df <- mg$plot(design = design, bin_size = 10)

Figure S1. H3K27ac TssA vers H3K27ac TssBiv

metagene has statistically detected differences between the TssA and TssBiv groups using Friedman rank sum test. Evenmore, metagene has robustly computed confidence intervals (CI) of the estimators (mean) for each bin using a bootstrap method.

7. metagene graph TssA only

If we only wanted to plot the profile for one group of region, we could have specified it using the regions_group parameter. This parameter is a vector of the names of the regions we want to keep for the current metagene plot.

df <- mg$plot(design = design, regions_group = "TssA")

Figure S2. H3K27ac TssA

The list returned by the plot() function can be saved and reused.

# We could save the list returned by the plot() function and
# use it to create a new graph
# save(df, file = "df.RData")

Note: When a GRangesList object is used for the group of regions in the new() function, the exact same name as to be used in the plot() function for the regions_group parameter. If we specified a vector of filename, metagene will automatically name the region using the filename without the directory path and without the extension.


ENCODE Project Consortium (2012). An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome. Nature, 489: 57–74. doi: 10.1038/nature11247. pmid:22955616

Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium et al. (2015). Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes. Nature, 518: 317–330.

Romanoski, C. E. et al. (2015). Epigenomics: Roadmap for regulation. Nature, 518: 314–316. doi: 10.1038/518314a. pmid:25693562

CharlesJB/metageneVignettes documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:58 a.m.