
Useful Datasets for Pokemon Researchers.

| Item | Title | |:-----------------------|:--------------------------------------------| | evolutions75 | OpenIntro 75 pokemons and their evolutions. | | forts | Forts Location Tainan | | items | Items in Pokemon Go | | level_to_cpm | Level To Combat Point Multiplier(cpm) | | moves | Pokemon Go Moves | | pokemon_names | Pokedex Names. | | pokemon_names_zh_tw | Pokemon Names in Taiwan | | pokemon_subjects | Pokemon Subjects Collected by Trainers | | pokemons | Pokemon Go Game Data. | | taipei_forts | Forts Location Taipei |


# install.packages("devtools")


show <- function(dataset) knitr::kable(head(dataset))

| index| name | |------:|:-----------| | 1| Bulbasaur | | 2| Ivysaur | | 3| Venusaur | | 4| Charmander | | 5| Charmeleon | | 6| Charizard |


| PkMn| Identifier | EvolvesFrom | EvolvesTo | EvoChainID| EvoStage| EvolutionPips | BaseStamina| BaseAttack| BaseDefense| Type1 | Type2 | BaseCaptureRate| BaseFleeRate| CollisionRadiusM| CollisionHeightM| CollisionHeadRadiusM| MovementType | MovementTimerS| JumpTimeS| AttackTimerS| QuickMoves | CinematicMoves | PokemonClass| PokedexHeightM| PokedexWeightKg| HeightStdDev| WeightStdDev| CandyFamily | CandyToEvolve| AnimTime | |-----:|:-----------|:------------|:-----------|-----------:|---------:|:--------------|------------:|-----------:|------------:|:------|:-------|----------------:|-------------:|-----------------:|-----------------:|---------------------:|:-------------|---------------:|----------:|-------------:|:----------------------|:----------------------------------------|-------------:|---------------:|----------------:|-------------:|-------------:|:----------------|--------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 1| Bulbasaur | 0 | Ivysaur | 1| 1| NORMAL | 90| 126| 126| GRASS | POISON | 0.16| 0.10| 0.38| 0.65| 0.27| JUMP | 10| 1.15| 29| Vine Whip, Tackle | Sludge Bomb, Seed Bomb, Power Whip | 1| 0.7| 6.9| 0.09| 0.86| 001_BULBASAUR | 25| 6d56d53fdaac2a3f6d56d53f93a9ea3f0000000036ab0a403333b33fbfbbbb3f | | 2| Ivysaur | Bulbasaur | Venusaur | 1| 2| NORMAL | 120| 156| 158| GRASS | POISON | 0.08| 0.07| 0.32| 0.64| 0.25| JUMP | 23| 1.50| 8| Razor Leaf, Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam, Power Whip | 1| 1.0| 13.0| 0.13| 1.63| 001_BULBASAUR | 100| 36ab2a40daac2a3f6d56d53f36ab0a4000000000000000406d56d53fdbdddd3f | | 3| Venusaur | Ivysaur | 0 | 1| 3| NORMAL | 160| 198| 200| GRASS | POISON | 0.04| 0.05| 0.76| 1.03| 0.38| JUMP | 11| 1.25| 4| Razor Leaf, Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb, Petal Blizzard, Solar Beam | 1| 2.0| 100.0| 0.25| 12.50| 001_BULBASAUR | 0| 6ade1d40daac2a3f6d56d53f93a9ea3f00000000fd8708400000004046440440 | | 4| Charmander | 0 | Charmeleon | 2| 1| NORMAL | 78| 128| 108| FIRE | NONE | 0.16| 0.10| 0.16| 0.47| 0.16| JUMP | 29| 1.25| 10| Ember, Scratch | Flame Charge, Flame Burst, Flamethrower | 1| 0.6| 8.5| 0.08| 1.06| 004_CHARMANDER | 25| fd870840daac2a3f6d56d53f93a9ea3f00000000fd8708406d56953fa8aaaa3f | | 5| Charmeleon | Charmander | Charizard | 2| 2| NORMAL | 116| 160| 140| FIRE | NONE | 0.08| 0.07| 0.26| 0.77| 0.23| JUMP | 23| 1.00| 8| Ember, Scratch | Fire Punch, Flame Burst, Flamethrower | 1| 1.1| 19.0| 0.14| 2.38| 004_CHARMANDER | 100| 07f0ee3fdaac2a3f93a9ea3f0000c03f5655d540ca5415400000004025222240 | | 6| Charizard | Charmeleon | 0 | 2| 3| NORMAL | 156| 212| 182| FIRE | FLYING | 0.04| 0.05| 0.41| 1.01| 0.20| FLYING | 11| 1.00| 4| Ember, Wing Attack | Fire Blast, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower | 1| 1.7| 90.5| 0.21| 11.31| 004_CHARMANDER | 0| cdcc0c40daac2a3f6d56d53f0de05d3f5655d54000000040cdcccc3f00000040 |


| name | species | cp| hp| weight| height| power_up_stardust| power_up_candy| attack_weak | attack_weak_type | attack_weak_value| attack_strong | attack_strong_type | attack_strong_value| cp_new| hp_new| weight_new| height_new| power_up_stardust_new| power_up_candy_new| attack_weak_new | attack_weak_type_new | attack_weak_value_new| attack_strong_new | attack_strong_type_new | attack_strong_value_new| notes | |:--------|:--------|----:|----:|-------:|-------:|--------------------:|-----------------:|:-------------|:-------------------|--------------------:|:---------------|:---------------------|----------------------:|--------:|--------:|------------:|------------:|-------------------------:|----------------------:|:------------------|:------------------------|-------------------------:|:--------------------|:--------------------------|---------------------------:|:------| | Pidgey1 | Pidgey | 384| 56| 2.31| 0.34| 2500| 2| Tackle | Normal | 12| Aerial Ace | Flying | 30| 694| 84| 2.60| 1.24| 2500| 2| Steel Wing | Steel | 15| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| | | Pidgey2 | Pidgey | 366| 54| 1.67| 0.29| 2500| 2| Quick Attack | Normal | 10| Twister | Dragon | 25| 669| 81| 1.93| 1.05| 2500| 2| Wing Attack | Flying | 9| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| | | Pidgey3 | Pidgey | 353| 55| 1.94| 0.30| 3000| 3| Quick Attack | Normal | 10| Aerial Ace | Flying | 30| 659| 83| 3.51| 1.11| 3000| 3| Wing Attack | Flying | 9| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| | | Pidgey4 | Pidgey | 338| 51| 1.73| 0.31| 3000| 3| Tackle | Normal | 12| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| 640| 79| 30.00| 1.12| 3000| 3| Steel Wing | Steel | 15| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| | | Pidgey5 | Pidgey | 242| 45| 1.44| 0.27| 1900| 2| Quick Attack | Normal | 10| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| 457| 69| 1.42| 0.98| 1900| 2| Wing Attack | Flying | 9| Twister | Dragon | 25| | | Pidgey6 | Pidgey | 129| 35| 2.07| 0.35| 800| 1| Quick Attack | Normal | 10| Air Cutter | Flying | 30| 243| 52| 30.00| 1.27| 800| 1| Wing Attack | Flying | 9| Aerial Ace | Flying | 30| |

pokemon_subjects %>%
  left_join(pokemon_names, by = c("pokemon_id"="index")) %>%
  count(name, sort=T)
#> # A tibble: 51 x 2
#>         name     n
#>        <chr> <int>
#> 1     Pidgey    73
#> 2    Rattata    30
#> 3       <NA>    18
#> 4  Growlithe    11
#> 5     Weedle    11
#> 6      Ekans    10
#> 7    Spearow    10
#> 8     Meowth     8
#> 9     Pinsir     7
#> 10   Poliwag     7
#> # ... with 41 more rows

ChihChengLiang/pokemongor documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:54 a.m.