
Defines functions match

Documented in match

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#' @title Match terms
#' @description Match terms in C++
#' @param term_vector Index vector of where each of the terms is in the pdf_tdm. i.e. the ith element of term_vector is j. Therefor, term i is at column j in the pdf_tdm.
#' @param terms List of terms used, this is the vector of column names of term_tdm.
#' @param sentences Vector of sentences read in from the PDf.
#' @param pdf_tdm Term document matrix of words in the PDF
#' @param term_tdm Term document matrix of words in the terms and pdf sentences.
#' @param thresholds Acceptance thresholds
#' @param pdf_index Index of terms in PDF
#' @return List of matched terms.
#' @export
match <- function(term_vector, pdf_tdm, term_tdm, thresholds, pdf_index, terms, sentences) {
    .Call('goldi_match', PACKAGE = 'goldi', term_vector, pdf_tdm, term_tdm, thresholds, pdf_index, terms, sentences)
Chris1221/GOldilocks documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:18 a.m.