
#' Arabidopsis QTL data on gravitropism
#' Data from a QTL experiment on gravitropism in
#' Arabidopsis, with data on 162 recombinant inbred lines (Ler x
#' Cvi). The outcome is the root tip angle (in degrees) at two-minute
#' increments over eight hours.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(kredit)
#' @format An object of class \code{"cross"}; see \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}}.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Moore et al. (2013) Genetics 195:1077-1086
#' (\href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23979570}{PubMed})
#' @source \href{https://phenome.jax.org/projects/Moore1b}{QTL Archive}
#' @examples
#' View(data(kredit))

#' \donttest{iplotCurves(phe, times)}

#' Prices of over 50,000 round cut diamonds
#' A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000
#'  diamonds. The variables are as follows:
#' @format A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{price}{price in US dollars (\$326--\$18,823)}
#'   \item{carat}{weight of the diamond (0.2--5.01)}
#'   \item{cut}{quality of the cut (Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal)}
#'   \item{color}{diamond colour, from D (best) to J (worst)}
#'   \item{clarity}{a measurement of how clear the diamond is (I1 (worst), SI2,
#'     SI1, VS2, VS1, VVS2, VVS1, IF (best))}
#'   \item{x}{length in mm (0--10.74)}
#'   \item{y}{width in mm (0--58.9)}
#'   \item{z}{depth in mm (0--31.8)}
#'   \item{depth}{total depth percentage = z / mean(x, y) = 2 * z / (x + y) (43--79)}
#'   \item{table}{width of top of diamond relative to widest point (43--95)}
#' }
ChrisNice89/rdao documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 10:14 a.m.