
#' Sectional curvature of a rstan object for convergence diagnosis.
#' @import rstan
#' @import numDeriv
#' @import parallel
#' @export
curvature = function(fit,
                     par = "y",
                     num_secs = 1000,
                     num_cores = 4) {

  if(class(fit) != "stanfit") stop("fit needs to be an rstan object")
  if(length(par) != 1) stop("define one paramter")

  # extract  sectional curvature
  samples = rstan::extract(fit, pars = par, permuted = FALSE)
  if(length(dimnames(samples)$chains) != 1) stop("run rstan::sampling with chains=1")
  d = dim(samples)[3]
  if(get_num_upars(fit) != d) stop("only handling distributions over unbounded vectors")
  q = samples[ ,1,1:d]

  # # NOT WORKING: compute gradient and Hessian in parallel
  # par_name = par
  # if(is.array(fit@par_dims[par_name])) stop("parameter is an arry")
  # func = function(x) {
  #   y_con = NULL
  #   if(length(fit@par_dims[par_name][[1]]) == 1) {
  #     y_con = x
  #   } else if(length(fit@par_dims[par_name][[1]]) == 2) {
  #      # this is for the LKJ distribution
  #     y_con = matrix(x,fit@par_dims$y)
  #     ind = lower.tri(y_con)
  #     y_con[ind] = t(y_con)[ind]
  #     diag(y_con) = 1
  #   }
  #   pars = list(y_con)
  #   names(pars) = par_name
  #   y_unc = unconstrain_pars(fit,pars = pars)
  #   -log_prob(fit, y_unc)
  # }

  # compute gradient and Hessian in parallel
  func = function(x) { -log_prob(fit, x) }
  U = apply(q,1,function(x) func(x))
  take_time = system.time( grad(func,q[round(nrow(q)/2),]) )
  message("computing gradients will take approx. ",
          " secs.")
  grad_U = mclapply(1:nrow(q),function(t) { grad(func,q[t,]) },
                    mc.cores =  num_cores)
  take_time = system.time( hessian(func,q[round(nrow(q)/2),]) )
  message("computing Hessians will take approx. ",
          " secs.")
  hessian_U = mclapply(1:nrow(q),function(t) { hessian(func,q[t,]) },
                       mc.cores =  num_cores)

  # compute total and kintetic energy
  params = get_sampler_params(fit)
  args = fit@stan_args[[1]]
  H = params[[1]][(args$warmup+1):args$iter,"energy__"]
  K = H-U

  # collect
  sec = sapply(1:length(grad_U),function(t) {
    secs = replicate(num_secs,

  # define class for plot and summary
  class(sec) = "curvature"
ChristofSeiler/curvature documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:17 p.m.