Man pages for ChristopherLucas/MatchingFrontier
Computation of the Balance - Sample Size Frontier in Matching Methods for Causal Inference

estimateEffectsEstimate Effects on the Frontier
generateDatasetGenerate a data set that is on the balance - sample size...
lalondeModified Lalonde dataset
makeFrontierCompute the balance - sample size frontier.
modelDependenceCompute the Athey-Imbens measure of sensitivity to model...
parallelPlotCreate a parallel plot for a specified point on the frontier.
plotMeansPlot covariate means along the frontier.
plotPrunedMeansPlot covariate means for the removed observations along the...
ChristopherLucas/MatchingFrontier documentation built on June 10, 2020, 6:01 p.m.