Man pages for ChuanJ/test
Analysing Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip Data

contrasts.varFitCompute contrasts for a varFit object.
densityByProbeTypePlot the beta value distributions of the Infinium I and II...
getAdjExtract values adjusted for unwanted variation by RUVm
getINCsExtract intensity data for Illumina negative controls found...
getLeveneResidualsObtain Levene residuals
getMappedEntrezIDsGet mapped Entrez Gene IDs from CpG probe names
gomethGene ontology testing for Ilumina methylation array data
gsamethGeneralised gene set testing for Illumina's methylation array...
helloHello, World!
missMethyl-packageIntroduction to the missMethyl package
RUVadjRUV adjust
RUVfitRemove unwanted variation when testing for differential...
SWANSubset-quantile Within Array Normalisation for Illumina...
topGSAGet table of top 20 enriched pathways
topRUVTable of top-ranked differentially methylated CpGs obatained...
topVarTable of top-ranked differentially variable CpGs
varFitTesting for differential variability
ChuanJ/test documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 5:43 a.m.