ungulateCollisions: ungulateCollisions: Identifying the Factors Affecting...

Description References


The package ungulateCollisions provides the dataset as well as the R code used by Saint Andrieux et al. (in prep.) to identify the environmental factors affecting the wildlife Ungulate collisions. This is done using a Bayesian model of the type described by Kuo and Mallik (1998).


Kuo, L. and Mallik, B. 1998.Variable selection for regression models. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 60, 65-81.

Saint Andrieux, C., Calenge, C. and Bonenfant, C. in prep. Comparison of ecological, biological and anthropogenic causes of vehicle-wildlife collisions among three large mammalian species.

ClementCalenge/ungulateCollisions documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:05 p.m.