ifthenelse: If this, then that

if_thenR Documentation

If this, then that


If this, then that


if_then(.x, .p = isTRUE, .f)

if_not(.x, .p = isTRUE, .f)

if_else(.x, .p = isTRUE, .f, .else)



the object to test. If NULL (the default), only .p is evaluated.


the predicate for testing. Defaut is isTRUE.


a mapper or a function run if .p(.x) is TRUE


a mapper or a function run if .p(.x) is not TRUE


Depending on wether or not .p(.x) is TRUE, .f() or .else() is run.


If you want these function to return a value, you need to wrap these values into a mapper / a function. E.g, to return a vector, you'll need to write if_then(1, is.numeric, ~ "Yay").


a <- if_then(1, is.numeric, ~"Yay")
a <- if_not(1, is.character, ~"Yay")
a <- if_else(.x = TRUE, .f = ~"Yay", .else = ~"Nay")

ColinFay/attempt documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 9:52 a.m.