  collapse = TRUE,
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  fig.path = "README-"
options(warnPartialMatchArgs = FALSE,
        warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE,
        warnPartialMatchAttr = FALSE)


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glmmboot provides a simple interface for creating non-parametric bootstrap confidence intervals using a wide set of models. The primary function is bootstrap_model, which has three primary arguments:

Another function, bootstrap_ci, converts output from bootstrap model runs into confidence intervals and p-values. By default, bootstrap_model calls bootstrap_ci.

Types of bootstrapping

For models with random effects:

With no random effects, performs case resampling: resamples each row with replacement.

All of these are considered non-parametric.


  1. the model should work with the function update, to change the data
  2. the coefficients are extractable using coef(summary(model))
  3. either directly, i.e. this gives a matrix
  4. or it's a list of matrices; this includes e.g. zero-inflated models, which produce two matrices of coefficients


It may be desired to run this package in parallel. The best way is to use the future backend, which uses future.apply::future_lapply. You do that by specifying the backend through the future::plan setup, and then setting parallelism = "future". It's quite possible you'll want to pass the package used to build the model to the argument future_packages. See the Quick Use vignette for more.

It's also easy to use parallel::mclapply; again, see the Quick Use vignette.


glmmboot is on CRAN, so you can install it normally:


Or the development version:

## install.packages("devtools")

Example: glm (no random effect)

We'll provide a quick example using glm. First we'll set up some data:

x1 <- rnorm(50)
x2 <- runif(50)

expit <- function(x){exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))}

y_mean <- expit(0.2 - 0.3 * x1 + 0.4 * x2)

y <- rbinom(50, 1, prob = y_mean)

sample_frame <- data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y = y)

Typically this model is fit with logistic regression:

base_run <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2,
                family = binomial(link = 'logit'),
                data = sample_frame)

Let's run a bootstrap.

boot_results <- bootstrap_model(base_model = base_run,
                                base_data = sample_frame,
                                resamples = 999)

And the results:


The estimates are the same, since we just pull from the base model. The intervals are similar to the base model, although slightly narrower: typical logistic regression is fractionally conservative at N = 50.

An example with a zero-inflated model (from the glmmTMB docs):

## we'll skip this if glmmTMB not available

owls <- transform(Owls,
                  nest = reorder(Nest, NegPerChick),
                  ncalls = SiblingNegotiation,
                  ft = FoodTreatment)

fit_zipoisson <- glmmTMB(
    ncalls ~ (ft + ArrivalTime) * SexParent +
        offset(log(BroodSize)) + (1 | nest),
    data = owls,
    ziformula = ~1,
    family = poisson)


Let's run the bootstrap (ignore the actual results, 3 resamples is basically meaningless - just for illustration):

zi_results <- bootstrap_model(base_model = fit_zipoisson,
                              base_data = owls,
                              resamples = 3)


We could also have run this with the future.apply backend:


zi_results <- bootstrap_model(base_model = fit_zipoisson,
                              base_data = owls,
                              resamples = 1000,
                              parallelism = "future",
                              future_packages = "glmmTMB")

ColmanHumphrey/glmmboot documentation built on June 28, 2021, 3:54 p.m.