
Development of SDO Profile Dashboard

The project produces a Shiny dashboard to facilitate the production of Community Profiles for State Demography Office users.

History: 12/6/2017 First Demo version (0.4) shows sample topic and page layout and outputs a rough PDF report. Still investigating PDF output strategies. I want to avoid Pandoc, but not sure if I can.

2/5/2018 Full demo verion (1.0) with working interface and draft PDF output. Currently outputs county level plots and data. This version uses Pandoc and tinytex. removed references to RobR. Building docker interface. V1.0 testing period: 2/5-19/2018 4/13/2018 Full production version released. Replies on Sweave and internal Latex processor. Google analytics implemented, along with keywords.

ColoradoDemography/ProfileDashboard documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 a.m.