Man pages for ColoradoDemography/codemogProfile
Colorado State Demography Office Profile Functions

cp_countyMainStreets Pull Function - Counties
cp_countymapCreates a simple map that highlights a Colorado County
cp_ed_shortCreates a Chart comparing educational attainment of two areas
cp_GQageCreates a bar chart showing the Group Quarters population by...
cp_indchangeCreates a chart that shows the change in jobs from peak...
cp_jobShareCreates a chart that shows the Share of Employment by...
cp_laborforceageCreates a chart showing the laborforce by age for a suppluies...
cp_laborforceblsCreates a timeseries chart of the Labor Force in CO
cp_migbyageCreates a Chart of Nig Migration Age Profiles
cp_migjobsCreates a chart with two plots, one for population trend, one...
cp_popGQCreates an Area chart showing the Group Quarters and Total...
cp_poptrendCreates a chart with two plots, one for population trend, one...
helloHello, World!
ms_census_ageCreates a chart comparing an areas age distributions in 2000...
ms_edCreates a Chart comparing educational attainment of two areas
ms_forecastCreates a Chart comparing Forecast Job and Population Growth...
ms_hhCO Household Types Bar Chart
ms_housingCO Housing Unit Table
ms_incomeIncome Distribution Graph
ms_jobsCreates a Chart showing the Total Estimates Jobs series for...
ms_mhiMedian Household Income Function
ms_muniMainStreets Pull Function
ms_popageCreates a Chart comparing Forecast Population Growth by Age...
ms_raceRace Function
ColoradoDemography/codemogProfile documentation built on May 8, 2019, 8:32 a.m.