Man pages for ColoradoDemography/tidycensus
Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames

census_api_keyInstall a CENSUS API Key in Your '.Renviron' File for...
fips_codesDataset with FIPS codes for US states and counties
get_acsObtain data and feature geometry for the five-year American...
get_decennialObtain data and feature geometry for the decennial Census
load_variablesLoad variables from a decennial Census or American Community...
moe_productCalculate the margin of error for a derived product
moe_propCalculate the margin of error for a derived proportion
moe_ratioCalculate the margin of error for a derived ratio
moe_sumCalculate the margin of error for a derived sum
tidycensusReturn tidy data frames from the US Census Bureau API
ColoradoDemography/tidycensus documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:04 p.m.