Man pages for CommerceDataService/
A library for bringing together EU and US statistical data

add.namespaceAdd query namespaces
bea2ListConvert BEA API httr response payload to list. . Method taken...
bea2TabConvert BEA API httr response or list payload to data.table....
beaGetPass list of user specifications (including API key) to...
beaProdByIndPass list of user specifications (including API key) to...
describeRelGiven a relationship ID, return description of mapped...
geoDetectdetect, extract, and merge shapefiles
geoMapcreate interactive map of dataset for a given year
getRelReturn data from the eurostat and bea APIs
listRelList all datasets available
loadLocalAcronymsLoad local acronym metadata cache
loadLocalMergeLoad local merge metadata cache
loadLocalRelLoad local relationship metadata cache
loadLocalStrucLoad local structure metadata cache
propertySubQuick query to Dydra repo for properties to be used as labels...
searchParseParses, spell checks, and prepares a search query for...
searchRefineRefines search query by spellchecking and standardizing...
searchRelSearch Metadata Store Relationship Table using text search
shortlistPass list of user specifications (including API key) to...
timeSyncProvides user easier access to extracts the latest...
updateCacheUpdate local metadata cache
updateLocalMergeUpdate local merge metadata cache
updateLocalRelUpdate local relationship metadata cache
updateLocalStrucUpdate local structure metadata cache
wideReshape datasets into wide form Auto detect if just GEO x...
CommerceDataService/ documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:49 p.m.