Man pages for CorradoLanera/CrossClustering
A Partial Clustering Algorithm

ariComputes the adjusted Rand index and the confidence interval,...
cc_crossclusteringA partial clustering algorithm with automatic estimation of...
cc_get_clusterProvides the vector of clusters' ID to which each element...
cc_test_ariA test for testing the null hypothesis of random agreement...
cc_test_ari_permutationA permutation test for testing the null hypothesis of random...
chain_effectA toy dataset for illustrating the chain effect.
consensus_clusterGet clusters which reach max consensus
CrossClustering-packageCrossClustering: A Partial Clustering Algorithm
is_zeroCheck for zero
nb_dataRNA-Seq dataset example
prune_zero_tailPrune tail made of zeros
reverse_tableReverse the process of create a contingency table
toyA toy example matrix
twomoonsA famous shape data set containing two clusters with two...
wormsA famous shape data set containing two clusters with two...
CorradoLanera/CrossClustering documentation built on May 18, 2024, 7:12 a.m.