  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


Lifecycle: maturing CRAN status Travis build status

The goal of covid19mobility is to make mobility data from different sources available using the Covid19R Project Data Format Standard. Currently, this package imports data from: \


<!-- You can install the released version of covid19mobility from CRAN with:



You can install the current version of covid19mobility from github with:


Data Format

The covid19mobility library follows the Covid19R Project Data Format Standard, with some data sets holding extra data columns. To see what data is available, use get_info_covid19mobility()


get_info_covid19mobility() %>%
  dplyr::select(data_set_name, function_to_get_data, data_details) %>%

The refresh methods bring in the different data sets. Currently available are: refresh_covid19mobility_apple_country() - Apple Mobility Data at the country level.
refresh_covid19mobility_subregion() - Apple Mobility Data at the state/subregion level.
refresh_covid19mobility_apple_city() - Apple Mobility Data at the city level. Contains some lat/longs for some cities.
refresh_covid19mobility_google_country() - Google Mobility Data at the country level.
refresh_covid19mobility_google_subregions() - Google Mobility Data at the state/subregion level.
refresh_covid19mobility_google_us_counties() - Google Mobility Data at the US county level with FIPS codes.

For example

refresh_covid19mobility_google_us_counties() %>%

Data Use and Licensing

Please see the relevant information about each data set and their licenses if you plan on using these data in any published works.

Covid19R/covid19mobility documentation built on March 11, 2021, 12:46 p.m.