
#' trackpoint data for track files read by bikeCadHr functions
#' @details Data fields for each trackpoint:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{timestamp.s - POSIXct timestamp}
#'  \item{distance.m - distance from speed sensor or gps coordinates}
#'  \item{altitude.m - elevation at trackpoint as reported by gps}
#'  \item{speed.m.s - speed at trackpoint either speed sensor or gps coordinates}
#'  \item{heart_rate.bpm - heartrate recorded at the trackpoint}
#'  \item{cadence.rpm - (possibly corrected) cadence recorded at the trackpoint}
#'  \item{power.watts - power at trackpoint as reported to GPS from power meter}
#'  \item{temperature - temperature recorded at the trackpoint}
#'  \item{segment - segment identifier for the trackpoint}
#'  \item{stopped - not moving at trackpoint}
#'  \item{deltatime - numeric time since last trackpoint (seconds)}
#'  \item{position_lat.dd - latitude in decimal degrees at the trackpoint}
#'  \item{position_lon.dd - longitude in decimal degrees at the trackpoint}
#'  \item{startbutton.date - integer containing human readable date stamp for ride,
#'       used to match summary and detailed track data, derived from the source
#'       filename (garmin defaults name activity records based on start button time)
#'       format is YYYYMMDD}
#'  \item{startbutton.time  - integer containing human readable time stamp for ride,
#'       used to match summary and detailed track data, derived from the source
#'       filename (garmin defaults name activity records based on start button time)
#'       format is  HHMMSS, where HH is 00-23, MM and SS are 00-59}
#'  }
#'  \strong{(all distances are in meters, times are in seconds or minutes}
#' @name tracks data frame contents
CraigMohn/rideReadGPS documentation built on March 20, 2021, 11:57 a.m.