Man pages for CrescNet/GrowthSDS
Utility Functions for Growth SDS Calculations

cdcCDC references
centileCalculate y values.
combineReferencesCombine two references to a new reference
evaluateCentilesBuild a list which contains the zscore, as well as user...
kiggs.2003.2006KiGGS 2003-2006
kromeyerHauschildKromeyer-Hauschild et al.
measurements-Reference-methodList available measurements of a 'Reference' object.
merkerMerker et al.
microcensus.germanyMicrocensus - Federal Statistical Office Germany
nearestXGet the x value of the reference to be used for sds...
Reference-classA reference holding reference values (LMS) for measurements.
Reference_dfConstruct a new reference from a data.frame.
sdsCalculate SDS values. You can transform the resulting SDS...
sexes-Reference-methodList available sexes of a 'Reference' object.
standardReferencesList all references, included in this package.
subsetReferenceGet values of the reference for a specific measurement, and...
targetHeightCalculate target height
voigtVoigt et al., birth centiles
who.2006WHO 2006 (0 to 5 years)
who.2007WHO 2007 (5 to 19 years)
xinNanZongXin-Nan Zong et al.
xRanges-Reference-methodList available measurements of a 'Reference' object.
zemelZemel et al.
CrescNet/GrowthSDS documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 5:40 p.m.