knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) library(RColorBrewer) library(ggplot2)
Directed forgetting research investigates people's ability to intentionally forget information [@macleodDirectedForgetting1998]. For example, in a memory task for words participants are instructed to remember some words and forget others for a later memory test. A directed forgetting effect is observed when people show worse memory for the words they attempted to forget. Directed forgetting tasks often use word stimuli, and the limitations of intentional forgetting for other kinds of information remain unclear.
We are investigating directed forgetting for pictures. The picture-superiority effect suggests that pictures are inherently more memorable than words [@gehring1976recognition]. @standingLearning10000Pictures1973 showed that people had little difficulty in memorizing over 10,000 pictures.
@ahmadDirectedForgettingCategorised2019 found limited directed forgetting for pictures of natural scenes and everyday objects.
:::: {.row} ::: {.col-md-6 .draw-border}
::: {.col-md-6}
Reproduction of the results from @ahmadDirectedForgettingCategorised2019.
tan_et_al <- data.frame(`Proportion Correct` = c(.88,.78,.88,.71), `Lure Type` = c("novel","exemplar","novel","exemplar"), `Encoding Cue` = c("Remember","Remember","Forget","Forget")) ggplot(tan_et_al,aes(x=Lure.Type, y=Proportion.Correct,fill=Encoding.Cue))+ geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge")+ coord_cartesian(ylim=c(.4,1))+ geom_hline(yintercept=.5)+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0.4,1,.1))+ theme_classic(base_size=20) + ylab("Proportion Correct")+ xlab("Lure Type")+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent")+ theme_classic(base_size=20)+ggtitle("")+ theme(legend.position = "top", plot.margin = unit(c(-2,0,0,0),units="line"), legend.margin = unit(c(-1,0,0,0),units="line"))+ labs(fill = "Encoding Cue") #knitr::include_graphics("imgs/Tan_results.png")
::: ::::
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Wakly encoded stimuli are easier to forget
We propose that decreasing stimulus duration during encoding will make pictures less well encoded, and easier to forget
We predict the directed forgetting effect will increase as stimulus duration decreases.
::: {.col-md-6}
power <- new.env() load("../vignettes/data/power.RData", power) power$power_analysis$prediction_graph + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent")+ theme_classic(base_size=20)+ggtitle("")+ theme(legend.position = "top", plot.margin = unit(c(-2,0,0,0),units="line"), legend.margin = unit(c(-1,0,0,0),units="line"))+ labs(fill = "Encoding Cue")
::: ::::
:::: {.row} ::: {.col-md-6}
::: {.col-md-6}
::: ::::
:::: {.row} ::: {.col-md-6}
E1 <- new.env() load("../vignettes/data/E1/E1_data_write_up.RData", E1) E1$Accuracy$graphs$figure+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent")+ theme_classic(base_size=20)+ggtitle("")+ theme(legend.position = "top", plot.margin = unit(c(-2,0,0,0),units="line"), legend.margin = unit(c(-1,0,0,0),units="line"))+ labs(fill = "Encoding Cue")
::: {.col-md-6}
E2 <- new.env() load("../vignettes/data/E2/E2_data_write_up.RData", E2) E2$Accuracy$graphs$figure+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent")+ theme_classic(base_size=20)+ggtitle("")+ theme(legend.position = "top", plot.margin = unit(c(-2,0,0,0),units="line"), legend.margin = unit(c(-1,0,0,0),units="line"))+ labs(fill = "Encoding Cue")
::: ::::
We did not find that reducing stimulus duration systematically increased the directed forgetting effect.
Our power analysis suggests we need over 200 subjects to reliably detect the higher-order interaction
This poster was prepared as a computationally reproducible project using vertical [@vuorre2021sharing], and several libraries from the open-source community.
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