  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This is plain text. Plain text gets converted to markdown, and then html.

This is HTML text written inside a `

` element. It is possible to write any HTML directly into an .Rmd document

<p> This is HTML text written inside a `<p>` element. It is possible to write any HTML directly into an .Rmd document </p>

This is a paragraph inside a `

` element

<p> This is a paragraph inside a `<div>` element </p>

This is a paragraph inside a `

` element using style to set a color property

wzxhzdk:3 ---

This is a paragraph inside a `

` element with styling controlled by `myStyle` defined in `style.css`. NOTE, this does not work in pkgdown.

wzxhzdk:4 ---

This is a paragraph inside a `

` element with styling controlled by `myStyle` defined in `extra.css`

wzxhzdk:5 To use this option, you must create a `pkgdown` folder in your main project folder, then put `extra.css` into the folder, e.g. (`pkgdown/extra.css`). This file is used to declare css (cascading style sheet) rules for styling html elements. wzxhzdk:6 --- R markdown supports "fenced divs", which are a fast way to create divs and associate them with particular style classes ::: {.extraStyle} This is in a fenced div ::: wzxhzdk:7 --- ## Bootstrap 5 Bootstrap 5 is a programmatic way to style web pages. Go to the bootstrap 5 documentation and search for style classes or elements that you want to insert. Then, use fenced divs to insert them --- ::: {.fs-1} Setting font size to `.fs-1` ::: wzxhzdk:8 --- ::: {.fs-2} Setting font size to `.fs-2` ::: wzxhzdk:9 --- Using Boostrap 5 classes for multi-column text ::: {.row} :::: {.col-6} This is the text that will be written in the first column. Blah blah blah, etc. and some more stuff. :::: :::: {.col-6} This is the text that will be written in the second column. Blah blah blah, etc. and some more stuff. :::: ::: wzxhzdk:10 --- Change relative widths of columns (add up to 12) ::: {.row} :::: {.col-9} This is the text that will be written in the first column. Blah blah blah, etc. and some more stuff. :::: :::: {.col-3} This is the text that will be written in the second column. Blah blah blah, etc. and some more stuff. :::: ::: wzxhzdk:11

CrumpLab/SemesterProject7709 documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:34 p.m.