authors: - admin - 吳恩達 categories: - Demo - 教程 date: "2020-12-13T00:00:00Z" draft: false featured: false image: caption: 'Image credit: Unsplash' focal_point: "" placement: 2 preview_only: false lastmod: "2020-12-13T00:00:00Z" projects: [] subtitle: "Welcome \U0001F44B We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial content to help you get familiar with everything in no time." summary: "Welcome \U0001F44B We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial content to help you get familiar with everything in no time." tags: - Academic - 开源 title: Welcome to Wowchemy, the website builder for Hugo
{{< figure src="" title="The template is mobile first with a responsive design to ensure that your site looks stunning on every device." >}}
To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship.
As a token of appreciation for sponsoring, you can unlock these awesome rewards and extra features 🦄✨
Check out the latest demo of what you'll get in less than 10 minutes, or view the showcase of personal, project, and business sites.
Wowchemy and its templates come with automatic day (light) and night (dark) mode built-in. Alternatively, visitors can choose their preferred mode - click the moon icon in the top right of the Demo to see it in action! Day/night mode can also be disabled by the site admin in params.toml
Choose a stunning theme and font for your site. Themes are fully customizable.
Copyright 2016-present George Cushen.
Released under the MIT license.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.