advbtsub: Using double list to generate sub tree from vector binary...

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advbtsubR Documentation

Using double list to generate sub tree from vector binary tree


Advanced visiting for the vector binary tree. Generating a sub tree from visited vector binary tree, through specific assigment determined by the argument inq.


advbtsub(x, inq)



The vector binary tree to be visited. Traversal is acheivable through invalid assignment in desired layers.


An integer double list to determine the visiting location. The length of inq should be the same as the layers of visited vector binary tree. If any assign element in specificed layer exceeds its intrinsic length of visited vector binary tree layer, all elements will be returned in this layer.


Return a sub tree from visited vector binary tree, according to the argument inq.

See Also

vbtinq, vbtsub, advbtinq.


#Make vector binary tree:
colnamevbt <- dl2vbt(chrvec2dl(colnames(datatest)))

#Visit by specific assignment:
visit <- list(c(2), c(3:6), c(2,4), 1)
advbtsub(colnamevbt, visit)

#Traversal of the second layers:
visit <- list(c(2), colnamevbt$dims[2]+1, c(2,4), 1)
advbtsub(colnamevbt, visit)

#Invalid assignments in 1st and 3rd layers:
visit <- list(c(3), c(3:6), c(5), 1)
advbtsub(colnamevbt, visit)

CubicZebra/VBTree documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 3:42 p.m.