
# script to create key for mullen items

# extension of key: gcdg

# restore old gcdg_itembank object (lex_gcdg)
fn <- path.expand("~/Package/dscore/dscore/data-raw/data/gcdg_itembank.txt")
gcdg_itembank <- read.delim(fn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# load mullen keys
mm1 <- read.xlsx("data-raw/data/Mullen items with labels match to gcdg.xlsx", sheet = 1)
mm1$domain <- "Gross Motor"
mm2 <- read.xlsx("data-raw/data/Mullen items with labels match to gcdg.xlsx", sheet = 2)
mm2$domain <- "Visual Reception"
mm3 <- read.xlsx("data-raw/data/Mullen items with labels match to gcdg.xlsx", sheet = 3)
mm3$domain <- "Fine Motor"
mm4 <- read.xlsx("data-raw/data/Mullen items with labels match to gcdg.xlsx", sheet = 4)
mm4$domain <- "Receptive Language"
mm5 <- read.xlsx("data-raw/data/Mullen items with labels match to gcdg.xlsx", sheet = 5)
mm5$domain <- "Expressive"
mm <- bind_rows(mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5)

#### --- The code below takes 59 tabled tau's from 565_18, and copies these to mullen items
#### --- Shouldn't we take the ESTIMATED tau from solution 98_8? SvB 23SEP19
# match the mullenmatch to the itembank_lex and get tau for these items from reference
mm$tau <- gcdg_itembank[match(mm$gcdg_item, table = as.character(gcdg_itembank$lex_gcdg)), "tau"]
# checks
# head(mm)
# gcdg_itembank[460:490,]

mm$instrument <- "Mullen"
mm$lex_gcdg <- mm$item
mm$max <- mm$gcdg_item <- mm$item <- NULL

gcdg_itembank_m <- bind_rows(gcdg_itembank, mm)

devtools::use_data(gcdg_itembank_m, overwrite = TRUE)
D-score/dscore documentation built on July 10, 2024, 10:18 p.m.