Man pages for DASpringate/rUCsims

bin_UC_modelsThis function take a UCsims object and runs a set of logistic...
catch_collinearwrapper function for simulate_UC to stop any perfectly...
iter_fn_1Helper function for overall_prev This determines how the new...
lin_adjustPerforms the adjustment for unmeasured confounding according...
null_test_modelFor testing - all parameters set to 1
overall_prevThis function uses an iterative algorithm to obtain overall...
r_and_r_adjustperforms the R and R sensitivity on the subgroups of the...
rep_simsThis is the replication function. Runs run_UC_levels over...
rUCsimsrUCsims: Functions for simulating and accounting for...
run_simsHelper function to automate running different conditions
run_UC_levelswrapper function for adjust functions Runs both functions...
simulate_UCThis function generates the simulated exposure and response...
stable_runThis function generates stable parameters across a range of...
DASpringate/rUCsims documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:16 p.m.