pretty_num: Prettify big numbers into a readable format

View source: R/pretty_num.R

pretty_numR Documentation

Prettify big numbers into a readable format


Uses as.numeric() to force a numeric value and then formats prettily for easy presentation in console messages, reports, or dashboards.

This rounds to 2 decimal places by default, and adds in comma separators.

Expect that this will commonly be used for adding the pound symbol, the percentage symbol, or to have a +/- prefixed based on the value.

If applying over multiple or unpredictable values and you want to preserve a non-numeric symbol such as "x" or "c" for data not available, use the ignore_na = TRUE argument to return those values unaffected.

If you want to customise what NA values are returned as, use the alt_na argument.

This function silences the warning around NAs being introduced by coercion.


  prefix = "",
  gbp = FALSE,
  suffix = "",
  dp = 2,
  ignore_na = FALSE,
  alt_na = FALSE



value to be prettified


prefix for the value, if "+/-" then it will automatically assign + or - based on the value


whether to add the pound symbol or not, defaults to not


suffix for the value, e.g. "%"


number of decimal places to round to, 2 by default


whether to skip function for strings that can't be converted and return original value


alternative value to return in place of NA, e.g. "x"


string featuring prettified value

See Also

comma_sep() round_five_up() as.numeric()

Other prettying functions: pretty_filesize(), pretty_time_taken()


# On individual values
pretty_num(5789, gbp = TRUE)
pretty_num(564, prefix = "+/-")
pretty_num(567812343223, gbp = TRUE, prefix = "+/-")
pretty_num(11^9, gbp = TRUE, dp = 3)
pretty_num(-11^8, gbp = TRUE, dp = -1)
pretty_num("56.089", suffix = "%")
pretty_num("x", ignore_na = TRUE)
pretty_num("nope", alt_na = "x")

# Applied over an example vector
vector <- c(3998098008, -123421421, "c", "x")
unlist(lapply(vector, pretty_num))
unlist(lapply(vector, pretty_num, prefix = "+/-", gbp = TRUE))

# Return original values if NA
unlist(lapply(vector, pretty_num, ignore_na = TRUE))

# Return alternative value in place of NA
unlist(lapply(vector, pretty_num, alt_na = "z"))

DFEAGILEDEVOPS/dfeR documentation built on April 10, 2024, 1:06 a.m.