
#'' select the best model function
#'\code{calculate_model} is used to return the best model function that
#'represent the relationship between responses from study x and y.
#'\code{calculate_model} chooses the best model function from following: linear,
#'exponential function, sigmoid, asymptotic model with x intercept, asympototic
#'model with y intercept and their inverse versions. (If your are interested in
#'these functions please check the sources at
#'@param x,y data vectors from study x and y (can contain NA)
#'@param select.MD logical, if TRUE, only the best model function (in terms of
#'  MD) will be returned.
#'@author Shouwen Ma <\email{shouwen.ma@@uni-konstanz.de}>
#'@author Daniel Münch <\email{daniel.muench@@uni-konstanz.de}>
#'@aliases calModel calculate_model
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
#' # load a data set
#' library(DoOR.data)
#' data(Or35a)
#' # pick 2 data sets for Or35a and rescale the data [0,1]
#' x <- door_norm(Or35a[,6])
#' y <- door_norm(Or35a[,9])
#' # run calculate_model
#' calM_xy <- calculate_model(x,y, select.MD = door_default_values("select.MD"))
calculate_model <-
  function (x, y, select.MD = door_default_values("select.MD")) {
    comb.xy     <-  na.omit(cbind(x, y))
    if (dim(comb.xy)[1] == 0) {
      stop("There is no observation between x and y.")
    # compute the parameters of 5 optional models with and without inverse
    # function (see modelfunction.R).
    models 	<- modelfunction(x, y)
    # select the best model from the ones tried above:
    if (select.MD == FALSE) {
    if (select.MD == TRUE) {
      collect.MD <- vapply(models, "[[", numeric(1), "MD")
      if (all(is.na(collect.MD))) {
        message("No model could be fitted")
      } else {
        return(models[match(min(collect.MD, na.rm = TRUE), collect.MD)])
Dahaniel/DoOR.functions documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 7:04 p.m.