Man pages for DanWiebe/FoldGO
Package for Fold-specific GO Terms Recognition

examdata_bgBackground sets of genes used in examples
examdata_degsDifferential expressed genes used in examples
examdata_objsPrecompiled objects of GeneGroups, FuncAnnotGroups classes...
fagroupstopgo_classS4 class for FuncAnnotGroupsTopGO object
foldspectest_classFoldSpecTest S4 class
gafreader_classS4 class for GAFReader object
genegroups_classS4 class for Gene Groups
getAnnotationGet annotation derived from annotation file
getWholeIntNamegetWholeIntName S4 method
plot-FoldSpecTest-ANY-methodFold-change specific GO Profile chart plotting
rna_seq_dataData from rna-seq experiment on auxin treatment of...
DanWiebe/FoldGO documentation built on May 1, 2020, 11:02 p.m.