Man pages for DanielBonnery/CompositeRegressionEstimation

add.rgAdd a rotation group indicator to all tables of a list when...
add.rg3Add a rotation group indicator to a table indicating wheter a...
AKAK Estimator (recursive version)
AK_estAK estimation on array of month in sample estimates
CoeffGMCompute Gauss Markov coefficient for CPS, matrix version
CoeffGM.arrayCompute the Gauss Markov coefficients for Multivariate Blue
CoeffGM.matrixCompute the Gauss Markov coefficients for Multivariate Blue...
CoeffS2Compute the coefficients for Direct
compositeLinear Composite Estimator from overlap and non overlapping...
CPS_A_eGives K coefficient for unemployed used by the Census
CPS_AKGives A,K coefficient for unemployed used by the Census
CPS_AK_coeff.array.flEmpirical variance of a collection of arrays.
CPS_AK_estGives the variance of the AK estimators from the A,K...
CPS_A_uGives K coefficient for unemployed used by the Census
CPS_K_eGives K coefficient for unemployed used by the Census
CPS_K_uGives K coefficient for unemployed used by the Census
CPS_X_arrayCompute X matrix for CPS, array version
CPS_X_matrixX matrix for the simple month in sample model
CPS_Xplus_arrayCompute the Moore penrose general inverse of a the X matrix...
CPS_Xplus_matrixCompute the Moore penrose general inverse of a the X matrix...
douubleCompute weighted sums
empirical.varEmpirical variance of a collection of arrays.
factorisedfConvert variables to numeric in dataframe.
MRRegression Composite estimation
varAK3Gives the variance of the AK estimators from the A,K...
varAK3diffGives the variance of the consecutive differences of AK...
varAK3diffratGives the variance of the unemployment rate estimates derived...
varAK3ratGives the variance of the unemployment rate estimates derived...
var_linGives the variance of an array Y that is a linear...
W.akgeneral AK weights as a function of a and k parameters.
W.multi.akgeneral AK weights as a function of a and k parameters.
W.recgeneral month in sample estimates weights for recursive...
WSCompute weighted sums
WSrgWeighted sums by rotation groups
WSrg2Weighted sums by rotation groups
DanielBonnery/CompositeRegressionEstimation documentation built on June 17, 2020, 12:16 p.m.