Man pages for DanielBonnery/SweaveLst

compileRun pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex pdflates on file
graph2pdffileCreates a pdf file by converting a graph to tikz and...
graph2pngfileCreates a png file by converting a graph to tikz and...
graph2texfileModifies the output of the tikz command and copies it to a...
graphtikzcodeReads the output file of the tikz command into an R character...
nettoieget rid of all latex compilation files
print_demo_fileGives the tex code to print a demo code
sanitizeLatexSsanitise latex
stargazer2Prints a multidimensional array
stargazerarrayPrints a multidimensional array
SweavelstSweaves a document and replace all R code by lstlisting...
texify_mdfilesanitise latex
DanielBonnery/SweaveLst documentation built on May 4, 2022, 11:45 p.m.