Files in DanielBonnery/dataASPEP

R/get_data_from_web.R R/zzz.R
man/aspep2007_samplinginfo.Rd man/aspepXXXX.Rd man/aspepXXXX_gov.Rd man/employment.Rd man/employment_id.Rd man/employment_sauv.Rd man/employment_strata.Rd raw/EB_HongKong v4.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count # Itemcodes in Sample-2009.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count # Itemcodes in Sample-2010.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count # Itemcodes in Sample-2011.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count # Itemcodes in Sample-2012.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count # Itemcodes in Sample-2013.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-State Type and itemcode-2009.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-State Type and itemcode-2010.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-State Type and itemcode-2011.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-State Type and itemcode-2012.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-State Type and itemcode-2013.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-Type and itemcode-2009.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-Type and itemcode-2010.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-Type and itemcode-2011.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-Type and itemcode-2012.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Obs-Type and itemcode-2013.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State & Type -2009.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State & Type -2010.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State & Type -2011.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State & Type -2012.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State & Type -2013.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State-2009.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State-2010.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State-2011.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State-2012.pdf raw/Files given by B. Tran on march 2016/Count Sampled Units in State-2013.pdf raw/SAE Hongkong.pdf raw/Table1-1000 Reps.pdf
DanielBonnery/dataASPEP documentation built on Feb. 7, 2020, 12:31 a.m.