Man pages for DanielGardiner/EpiFunc
Epidemiology Functions

age_sex_pyramidCreate age-sex pyramid
calc_ageCalculate age in years
calc_agegroupCalculate age groups in years
deduplicateDeduplicate records
epicurveCreate epicurve
explode_variableExplode a single variable into multiple variables
format_colnamesFormat column names
get_datesGet dates
n_decimalsRestrict the number of decimals places for a numeric value
read_from_clipboardRead clipboard data into R
set_diffCompare the set of differences between two vectors
set_na_toSet NAs to a value
set_to_naSet values to NA
summarise_naSummarise NA values
tab_1varTabulate 1 variable
tab_2varsTabulate 2 variables
tab_allTabulate all variables
tab_eachTabulate each variable separately
tab_stack_valuesTabulate values for multiple variables and stack ontop of one...
tab_varTabulate a variable
tile_plotTile plot
transTranspose a data.frame
write_to_clipboardWrite R data to clipboard
DanielGardiner/EpiFunc documentation built on July 25, 2019, 10:53 p.m.