join_chromatograms: Join multiple two-dimensional chromatograms into a single R...

View source: R/join_chromatograms.R

join_chromatogramsR Documentation

Join multiple two-dimensional chromatograms into a single R object


'join_chromatograms' saves chromatograms in a named list slot. Also, it saves information like metadata and retention times.


join_chromatograms(x, y, groups, ...)


x, y

a GCxGC object, either single or batch chromatograms.


a data.frame containing the metadata. It must have a column named as Names to merge with the imported chromatograms.


other GCxGC objects to be merged


GB08_fl <- system.file("extdata", "08GB.cdf", package = "RGCxGC")
GB09_fl <- system.file("extdata", "09GB.cdf", package = "RGCxGC")
GB08 <- read_chrom(GB08_fl, 5L)
GB09 <- read_chrom(GB09_fl, 5L)
join_gc <- join_chromatograms(GB08, GB09)
metadata <- data.frame(Names = c("GB08", "GB09"),
                       Type = c("Control", "Treatment"))
join_metadata <- join_chromatograms(GB08, GB09, groups = metadata)

DanielQuiroz97/RGCxGC documentation built on March 12, 2023, 9:07 a.m.