Man pages for DanielReedOcean/COOLBEANS
Coastal Ocean Oxygen Linked to Benthic Exchange and Nutrient Supply model

A.hyMaximum hypoxic area
BODBenthic oxygen demand
Bottom.water.O2Bottom water oxygen
C.burialCarbon burial in sediments
C.fluxOrganic carbon flux to underlying sediments
COOLBEANS-packageCoastal Ocean Oxygen Linked to Benthic Exchange and Nutrient...
C.reminCarbon remineralisation in sediments
Exchange.coefficientVertical exchange coefficient between surface and bottom...
Exchange.sensitivityBottom water oxygen sensitivity to vertical exchange between...
Loading.sensitivityBottom water oxygen sensitivity to nutrient loading
p.reminProportion of organic matter remineralised
DanielReedOcean/COOLBEANS documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:35 p.m.