Description Usage Arguments Details Value Create Data Create Tables Conduct Tests Odds Ratios Create Plots Author(s)
Performs analysis of research question 1:
Is there an association between education and income and the prevalence
of depression?
1 | analyzeRq1(brfss)
brfss |
Data frame of preprocessed 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) telephone survey. |
Function that performs the analysis for research question #1: Is there an association between education and income and the prevalence of depression? The function contains __ primary sections: (!) create Data, (2), create tables, (3), conduct tests, (4) compute oods ratios, and (5) render plots.
A nested list containing marginal, conditional, and joint association frequencies and proportions, plots, statistical tests and odds ratios. The return variables are as follows:
freqDepression diagnosis frequency table
jointFreqIncome and education joint association frequency table
jointPropIncome and education joint association proportion table
condFreqIncome and education conditional association frequency table
condPropIncome and education conditional association proportion table
incomeTableDepression diagnoses by income table
incomeFreqFrequency of depression diagnoses by level of income table
incomePropProportion of depression diagnoses by level of income table
educationTableDepression diagnoses by education table
educationFreqFrequency of depression diagnoses by level of education table
educationPropProportion of depression diagnoses by level of education table
interactionTableDepression diagnoses by income/education interaction table
interactionFreqFrequency of depression diagnoses by income/education interaction table
interactionPropProportion of depression diagnoses by income/education interaction table#'
freqDfFrequency of depression diagnoses by income/education joint association in data frame format
propDfProportion of depression diagnoses by income/education joint association in data frame format
incomeFreqDfFrequency of depression diagnoses at each level of income in data frame format
incomePropDfProportion of depression diagnoses at each level of income in data frame format
educationFreqDfFrequency of depression diagnoses at each level of education in data frame format
educationPropDfProportion of depression diagnoses at each level of education in data frame format
interactionFreqDfFrequency of depression diagnoses at each level of income/education interaction in data frame format
interactionPropDfProportion of depression diagnoses at each level of income/education interaction in data frame format
incomeFreqFrequency of depression diagnoses by level of income plot
incomePropProportion of depression diagnoses by level of income plot
educationFreqFrequency of depression diagnoses by level of education plot
educationPropProportion of depression diagnoses by level of education plot
conditionalPropProportion of depression diagnoses by level of income/education interaction, holding education constant
incomeIndTest of marginal independence of income on depression
educationIndTest of marginal independence of education on depression
incomeIndVCramer's V measure of strength of association of income and depression
educationIndVCramer's V measure of strength of association of education and depression
jointIndTest of joint independence of income and education on depression
jointIndVCramer's V measure of strength of the joint association of education and income on depression
condIndTest of conditional independence of income on depression, given education
anovaTest of relative effects of income and education on depression
incomeOddsOdds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income
educationOddsOdds of a depression diagnosis at each level of education
conditionalOddsOdds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income, given education
interactionOddsOdds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income and education
This section filters the preprocessed BRFSS data to include valid values of income, education and a depression diagnosis. An incoime/education interaction variable is created. Finally depression diagnosis data is rendered by income, education and the income/education interaction variable. The variables are as follows:
rq1DataSubset of BRFSS data including valid values for Income, Education, and Depression Diagnosis
rq2Data$IncomeEducationIncome/Education interaction variable
rq1IncomeDataIncome and depression diagnosis data from preprocessed BRFSS data
rq1EducationDataEducation and depression diagnosis data from preprocessed BRFSS data
rq1InteractionDataIncome / Education interaction and depression diagnosis data from preprocessed BRFSS data
This section converts the income, education and depression diagnosis data to frequency, proportion, interaction, joint frequency, joint proportion, conditional frequency and conditional proportion tables, The variables are:
rq1Tablerq1Data in table format
rq1IncomeTablerq1IncomeData in table format
rq1EducationTablerq1EducationData in table format
rq1InteractionTablerq1InteractionData in table format
rq1IncomeFreqTableFrequencies of depression diagnoses by income level
rq1IncomePropTableProportions of depression diagnoses by income level
rq1EducationFreqTableFrequencies of depression diagnoses by education level
rq1EducationPropTableProportions of depression diagnoses by education level
rq1JointFreqFrequencies of depression diagnoses by income and education level
rq1JointPropProportions of depression diagnoses by income and education level
rq1CondFreqFrequencies of depression diagnoses by income, given education level education level
rq1JointFreqFJoint frequency table in data frame format.
rq1IncomeFreqFIncome frequency table in data frame format.
rq1EducationFreqFEducation frequency table in data frame format.
rq1InteractionFreqFIncome/education interaction frequency table in data frame format.
rq1JointPropFJoint proportion table in data frame format.
rq1IncomePropFIncome proportion table in data frame format.
rq1EducationPropFEducation proportion table in data frame format.
rq1InteractionPropFIncome/education interaction proportion table in data frame format.#'
This section performs the statistical tests that reveal the associations between depression and income and education. First, chi-squaared tests are conducted to ascertain marginal and joint independence of income and education and depression diagnoses. Cramer's V tests quantified the strength of any association. The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test was administered to measure three-way independence between depression diagnoses and income and education. The variables are as follows:
rq1IncomeIndChi-squared tests of marginal indpendence of income on depression
rq1EducationIndChi-squared tests of marginal indpendence of education on depression
rq1JointIndChi-squared tests of joint indpendence of income and education on depression
rq1IncomeIndVCramer's V test of the strength of the association of income and depression
rq1EducationIndVCramer's V test of the strength of the association of education and depression
rq1JointIndVCramer's V test of the strength of the joint association of education and income on depression
rq1CondIndCochran-Mantel-Haenszel test of conditional independence
rq1CondIndDfCochran-Mantel-Haenszel test of conditional independence in data frame format
rq1AnovaTests to determine which indpendent variable has greatest effect on the response, depression diagnoses
This section computes the odds ratios for marginal, conditional and joint associations. The variables are as follows:
rq1IncomeOddsThe marginal odds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income
rq1IncomeOddsThe marginal odds of a depression diagnosis at each level of education
rq1ConditionalOddsThe odds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income, given education
rq1InteractionOddsThe odds of a depression diagnosis at each level of income and education
This section renders the plots for this analysis. Stacked bar plots showing marginal frequency and proportions are rendered for both income and education. Conditional proportion plots are rendered for education and income interaction, holding education constant. The variables are:
rq1IncomeFreqBarStacked bar plot of the frequencies of depression diagnoses at all income levels
rq1IncomePropBarStacked bar plot of the proportions of depression diagnoses at all income levels
rq1EducationFreqBarStacked bar plot of the frequencies of depression diagnoses at all education levels
rq1EducationPropBarStacked bar plot of the proportions of depression diagnoses at all education levels
rq1ConditionalPlotsStacked bar plot of the proportions of depression diagnoses at all income/education levels, holding education constant
John James,
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