
Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable
state and is being actively
developed. Travis-CI Build

shsannualreport is an R package to prepare the results of the Scottish Household Survey(SHS) for publication as an R Shiny app. The package allows users to prepare source data for publication, and to then build an R Shiny app based on the processed data.


You can install the development version of shsannualreport from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

If you are working on SCOTS, or if the above does not work, you can install manually:

  1. Go to the shsannualreport repository master branch on GitHub
  2. Click Clone or download then Download ZIP
  3. Save the file locally and unzip
  4. Install with install.packages():
install.packages("C:/DownloadDirectory/shsannualreport-master/shsannualreport-master", repos = NULL,
                 type="source", lib = "C:/YourLibraryPath")

Library path can be seen by running .libPaths()


The package depends on having source data which is currently stored in a secure folder on Objective Connect.

If this data has not yet been published, it won’t be available outside the SHS team.

If the data has been published, please contact to request access to the source data.

To prepare source data prior to running the functions in the package:


There are three public functions in the package:


shs_create_names_workbooks outputs two files, column_names.xlsx and variable_names.xlsx, to the specified destination_directory. Both sheets will have the same stucture, with two columns: source_name and display_name. The source_name column lists all names as they appear in the source data, the display_name column can be populated with the desired names to appear in the app.

In column_names.xlsx, source_name will be populated with all column names in all files in the source_dataset_directory, minus any names specified in columns_to_remove.

In variable_names.xlsx, source_name will be populated with all values in the second column on all files in the source_dataset_directory. Here is important that the columns_to_remove values are correct, as the source data can contain unnecessary columns which can result in the output being populated with values from these columns rather than the desired columns.

In both output files, the display_name value can be auto-populated with previous values, if a path to an existing template file is provided to the argument existing_column_names_path and/or existing_variable_names_path.

In total, shs_create_names_workbooks accepts five arguments:

Once the output files are created, the display_name columns of both output files can be manually edited to the desired values.

NOTE: some special characters can run locally, but break when deployed due to encoding differences, e.g £. There is currently no fix in the package for these characters, so they will need to be changed to something else when deploying to


shs_create_app_data takes a source dataset and metadata in Excel format, processes the data to make it suitable for the SHS Data Explorer app, and saves the output files in Rds format.

The processing done in shs_create_app_data includes:

There are also a number of other processing functions which are described in more detail in the vignette (to do), including:

In total shs_create_app_data accepts five arguments:

When the data has been output to the destination_directory it can then be used to create a version of the SHS Data Explorer app using shs_create_app.


shs_create_app will take data output by shs_create_app_data and generate a Shiny app based on the contained data. The app will be written to the specified destination_directory, from where it can be run locally, deployed etc.

In total shs_create_app_data accepts five arguments:


The following example is based on usage in SCOTS, with the source data downloaded and set up according to the instructions in ‘prerequisites’ in the ‘Downloads’ folder.

To use the examples on other computers, all that needs changed are the folder paths, which will vary by user.

As the destination_directory paths for both shs_create_names_workbooks and shs_create_app_data must exist before running, directories for the example I created directories ‘names’ and ‘appdata’ in ‘Downloads’.

NOTE: Running functions with shsannualreport:: prefix alone seems not to load dependencies, running library(shsannualreport) before running any functions will prevent errors.



destination_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/names"
source_dataset_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/data/dataset"
columns_to_remove <- c("sort", "_LABEL_", "var", "LABEL")
existing_column_names_path <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/old_column_names.xlsx"
existing_variable_names_path <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/old_variable_names.xlsx"

shs_create_names_workbooks(destination_directory = destination_directory,
                           source_dataset_directory = source_dataset_directory,
                           columns_to_remove = columns_to_remove,
                           existing_column_names_path = existing_column_names_path,
                           existing_variable_names_path = existing_variable_names_path)


NOTE: Although shs_create_names_workbooks can be used to generate column and variable names re-naming spreadsheets, it doesn’t have to be run if you already have these sheets. The outputs can be saved off and the paths passed to column_names_workbook_path and variable_names_workbook_path. This example uses the sheets output in the shs_create_names_workbooks example above.


destination_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/appdata"
source_data_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/data"
columns_to_remove <- c("sort", "_LABEL_", "var", "LABEL")
column_names_workbook_path <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/names/column_names.xlsx"
variable_names_workbook_path <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/names/variable_names.xlsx"

shs_create_app_data(destination_directory = destination_directory,
                    source_data_directory = source_data_directory,
                    columns_to_remove = columns_to_remove,
                    column_names_workbook_path = column_names_workbook_path,
                    variable_names_workbook_path = variable_names_workbook_path)


NOTE: As above, if data has been previously generated by shs_create_app_data and the source data hasn’t changed, shs_create_app can be run without re-running shs_create_app_data.


destination_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads"
data_directory <- "C:/Users/[user's U number]/Downloads/appdata/data"
reports_start_year <- 2013
reports_end_year <- 2019

shs_create_app(destination_directory = destination_directory,
               data_directory = data_directory,
               reports_start_year = reports_start_year,
               reports_end_year = reports_end_year)

DataScienceScotland/shsannualreport documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 4:07 p.m.