
A personal R package, which facilitates common operations performed with the data.table package.


If you are interested in using the package, feel free to download it from Github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Implemented Functions

I do not pursue a clearly defined goal with this package. Instead, one can rather consider it as an evolving collection of functions for data manipulation routines that I frequently encounter. I would consider the setj_ and dropj_ family of functions as the ones, that could be the most useful for other users as well. They are inspired by the old dplyr mutate_ functions (e.g. mutate_if() or mutate_at()), but are adapted to the philosophy and functionality of data.table (reference semantics). For a detailed description of these and the few other functions from this package, please refer to the package's manual.

DavidJesse21/data.table.utils documentation built on March 26, 2023, 7:19 a.m.