R library for Watson Machine Learning (WML)

Installation and use

devtools::install_github(repo = 'IBMDataScience/R4WML')

WatsonML (WML) account information (these are found in your Watson ML service in BlueMix)

watson_ml_creds_url      <- ''
watson_ml_creds_username <- '9999e4bc-3c8c-4b56-bade-25a0deadbeef'
watson_ml_creds_password <- '8888ecf8-18f9-4ae4-bead-e5d53deadbabe'

Define deployed WML endpoints

# Deployed WML endpoints
ml_endpoint.naive_bayes         <- ''
ml_endpoint.logistic_regression <- ''

Get WML authentication headers

watson_ml_creds_auth_headers <- get_wml_auth_headers(watson_ml_creds_url, watson_ml_creds_username, watson_ml_creds_password)

Score the data using WML endpoints

data <- read.csv(file='myrecords.csv')

top_100 <- head(data, n=100)
payload <- to_wml_payload(top_100)
results <- wml_score(ml_endpoint.naive_bayes, watson_ml_creds_auth_headers, payload)
payload_scored <- from_wml_payload(results)


For more details, check out this blog.

Davin-IBM/R4WML documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:32 p.m.