Man pages for DavisLaboratory/msigdb
An ExperimentHub Package for the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)

appendKEGGAdd KEGG pathway derived gene sets to a collection
getIMEXRetrieve IMEx PPI hosted on the hub
getIMEXVersionsGet IMEX versions included in the msigdb package
getMsigdbRetrieve MSigDB data hosted on the hub
getMsigdbIDFRetrieve MSigDB data hosted on the hub
getMsigdbVersionsGet MSigDB versions included in the msigdb package
getMsigIdTypeInfer gene identifier type for the gene set collection
getMsigOrganismInfer organism type for the gene set collection
listCollectionsList all collection types within a MSigDB gene set collection
listSubCollectionsList all sub-collection types within a MSigDB gene set...
msigdbThe Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)
subsetCollectionSubset collections and sub-collections of MSigDB
DavisLaboratory/msigdb documentation built on July 18, 2023, 7:54 p.m.