Man pages for DavisLaboratory/vissE
Visualising Set Enrichment Analysis Results

bhuvad_themeCustom theme
characteriseGenesetFunctionally characterise a list of genes
computeMsigNetworkCompute a network using computed gene set overlap
computeMsigOverlapCompute gene set overlap
computeMsigWordFreqCompute word frequencies for a single MSigDB collection
findMsigClustersIdentify gene-set clusters from a gene-set overlap network
getMsigExclusionListExclusion list of words for MSigDB gene set text mining
hgscThe Hallmark collection from the MSigDB
plotGeneStatsPlot gene statistics for clusters of gene sets
plotMsigNetworkPlot a gene set overlap network
plotMsigPPIPlot PPI network for gene-set clusters identified using vissE
plotMsigWordcloudCompute and plot word frequencies for multiple MSigDB...
vissE-packagevissE: Visualising Set Enrichment Analysis Results
DavisLaboratory/vissE documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 5:02 a.m.