
Collection of functions useful for Dectech analysts, such as extracting survey data from Questback output, and getting consistent coefficient tables from regressions.

Installation / Updating

You can install or update DectechR using the following:

#-- if DectechR is already loaded, then unload it using:
detach(package:DectechR, unload = TRUE)

# install.packages("devtools")

If you get errors about "Error in fetch(key) : lazy-load database..." try restarting RStudio.

Main functions

Opening XML data:

Getting data to clipboard:

Regression modelling:

Factor analysis:

Data recoding:

Style guide

When adding functions to this library, we should mostly stick to the following guide:

The key points being:

One difference from the above is that for functions we should use camelCase, as this is statistically the most common style across R packages on CRAN. For variables we can use lowercase, with an underscore to seperate words (as suggested in the style guide) e.g. some_result <- getResult(some_input)

Major changes in latest update (09-Jan-2024)

getUnivariate() / runUnivariate():



Dectech/DectechR documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:17 a.m.