cut_int: Cuts for dividing an integer into 'n' chunks

View source: R/number_tools.R

cut_intR Documentation

Cuts for dividing an integer into n chunks


This function is intended for things like dividing large datasets into n chunks with a more-or-less equal number of rows in each chunk. Useful for generating batch files.


cut_int(int, chunks = NULL)



(Integer) The number to divide.


(Integer) The number of chunks to divide it into.


A tibble with four columns: chunk, which is the chunk's number, left, which is the start of each chunk, right, which is its end, and size, which is how many items are in the chunk.



cut_int(19.4e6, 9)

# # A tibble: 9 × 4
#   chunk     left    right    size
#   <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
#       1        1  2155557 2155557
#       2  2155558  4311112 2155555
#       3  4311113  6466668 2155556
#       4  6466669  8622223 2155555
#       5  8622224 10777779 2155556
#       6 10777780 12933334 2155555
#       7 12933335 15088890 2155556
#       8 15088891 17244445 2155555
#       9 17244446 19400000 2155555

DesiQuintans/desiderata documentation built on April 9, 2023, 5:43 a.m.