Man pages for Detlew/Power2Stage
Power and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage Bioequivalence Studies

final.tsd.inAnalysis after second stage of 2-stage 2x2 crossover design...
interim.tsd.inInterim analysis of first stage data of 2-stage 2x2 crossover...
power.tsdPower calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies in a 2x2...
power.tsd.fCPower calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies (2x2...
power.tsd.GSPower calculation for non-adaptive group sequential (2-stage)...
power.tsd.inPower calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies with 2x2...
power.tsd.KMPower calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies (2x2...
power.tsd.pPower calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies in 2-group...
power.tsd.ssrPower of 2-stage BE studies in 2x2 crossover designs with...
sampleN2.TOSTSample size re-estimation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies in...
Detlew/Power2Stage documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 9:08 p.m.