General MTurk Dataset Preparation for PACT Lab (GMDPP)

All data preparation procedure could be found in ~/Requirements.

Toolbox kits:

HEAD UP: unFin and unDu are parallel, means that datasets after unDu may contain unfinished cases and vice versa.

Reserved elements in a PI Object:

Basic datasets:

$Explicit explicit data files

$IAT iat data files

$Demo demographics data files

$Tasks sessionTasks data files

$Sessions sessions data files

Meta information:

$Name study Name

$Handled_by person who cleaned the data and should turned to for question

$Last_time latest edited time

$Collected_date dataset collected date

$Source mTurk, PI or PIMH

$Type raw_data/sorted_data/working_data/master_data

Index and statistic for data cleaning:

$participatedID who participated in study

$participatedNum how many people participated

$duplicatedID IDs for cases that have at least one duplicated data point

$duplicatedNum number of cases that have at least one duplicated data point

$completedID IDs for cases that finished all the tasks in the study

$completedNum number of cases that finished all the tasks in the study

$unfinishedID self-explained

$unfinishedNum self-explained

$unDuplicatedID self-explained

$unDuplicatedNum self-explained

Elements could be added anytime, and all elements that is a data.frame will be printed and exported when the corresponding method is called. Not all the elements will be in used by functions in the package.

Recommended procedure:

1\ Read all datasets with takeFive(), it will includes all the information that is needed(if not, the program will ask you for it).

2\ Use prepare(dataSet) before doing any analysis. You will lose some variables in this process but all cases will be kept.

3\ Use unFin or unDu according to what you want to do. To minimize error, always use unFin or unDu on a dataset that has been prepared by prepare().

4\ Do whatever you want to do after this 1-2-3. At any given time, you can export a PI object.

What has done here:

1\ Read in all the files necessary for data analysis

2\ Prepare the data

3\ unFin and unDu - now the cleansing procedure is separated and designed to be paralled.

4\ Print methods

5\ Summary methods

6\ Entail information like: name of study, dataset collected date, dataset handled date, analysisBy, datatype

7\ Readme and Export - When you export a PI Object, it will automatically write a readme.txt with meta information and a template for README files.

What need to be added soon:

6A\ transform - may not do it because it is not really necessary

6B\ merge - may not do it because it is not really necessary

7\ autoPilot - not ready

8\ Plot methods

11\ code that handle demo dataset

12\ code that handle different types of datasets (MTurk, finished; PI, unfinished; PIMH, unfinished)

Diheng/GMDPP documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:13 p.m.